Whether you have an existing fire risk assessment in place or not, we can help. It is essential that you keep the assessment under review and revise it where necessary.
Water sprinkler systems CO2 flooding systems, Hydrant Systems.Fire Hydrant System all work under by Beena Fire Protections, Bhandup.
Fire Fighting Hydrant Systems are the most commonly used systems, in many residential and industrial projects. If you have ever seen a “Red” colour pipe, circulating around a building or factory, you have seen a Fire Hydrant Pipe.
Fire Safety Services offers a range of portable appliance testing (PAT) services including inspection, testing and remedial works, carried out by fully qualified and competent personnel.
Electronic type Microprocessor based panel system, which includes smoke detectors, heat detectors, various gas detectors etc.
Our emergency lighting meets the latest building safety regulations. Services include design, supply, install, commission and maintenance. Emergency lighting illuminates escape routes, signs and safety equipment.
Supplying Installation of the conventional types to stored pressure types and modular automatic type’s fire extinguisher And Testing, Servicing, Refilling & repairing of the same. All our products are ISI Marked.
Our training courses are run by our own trainers and certificates of attendance are awarded to all delegates. Courses include: fire safety awareness, fire warden, practical fire extinguisher training and single delegate training.
A fire emergency evacuation plan is a legal requirement and normally takes the form of a written document, which includes the actions to be taken by all staff and nominated persons in the event of a fire and arrangements for calling the fire brigade.
Fire Safety Services has extensive fire door and passive fire protection experience. We are an LPS 1197 Certified Company and carry out:
We are qualified to meet all fire evacuation requirements. Services include: fully documented fire emergency evacuation plans, monitored and documented on-site fire drills and fire evacuations, and evacuation chairs supply and user training.
Maintenance of the Fire extinguishers (4 visits in a year.)And the maintenance will be done as per as per IS: 2190 norms. During our maintenance visits we will have Fire Training (Audio/Visual) sessions where your employees can use fire extinguishers.